Angela Hoke


Angela Hoke

Angela Hoke

Women's Fiction

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    Jun 2017

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    United States

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Angela Hoke has worked for many years in accounting, writing in her spare time. She began writing at the age of eight, when she produced a neighborhood newspaper, until an expose written based on sketchy facts shut her down for good. A WHISPER OF SMOKE is her debut novel, and winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence Book Award, the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal for Women's Fiction, the 2014 GRW Maggie Award for Excellence and the 2014 Heart of Denver Aspen Gold Award. It was also a finalist in the 2015 International Book Awards. Her short story, The Ceremony (inspired by a scene in A WHISPER OF SMOKE), was a finalist in the New Millennium Writing Contest, and she studied craft at the Algonkian Writers’ Conference. Her second novel, A PAINTED LILY, released in May 2017, received five stars from Readers' Favorite. She lives in Nashville, TN with her family and one tiny dog.

Angela Hoke Books

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